Anyway, back to today’s grumblings. Firstly, I am not holier than thou, I am not able to chuck the first rock (as in having never sinned), but I am no bank robber or serial killer either. The group I intend to complain about are an insidious breed, some of the most annoying lot, the tax dodgers.
Here in New Zealand every vehicle on the road, be they a car, a truck, a motorcycle or even a trailer or a caravan requires two things. The first this if known as a WOF – the warrant of fitness. This is essentially an inspection test that is done every six months, checking the vehicle is roadworthy, the tyres have tread, it isn’t likely to fall to pieces and kill someone. It isn’t perfect; it doesn’t have an emissions test, it can be fiddled (e.g. sticking your mates tyres on instead of your bald ones), but it is a safety check.
There second thing is called the Rego, or vehicle registration (it is actually called vehicle licensing, but as most people call it the rego that’s what I’ll use). This is essentially a levy, paid to the government for a range of things, such as maintaining the roads, providing road safety training, but largely to fund ACC.
What’s ACC? Well in New Zealand we have this thing called the Accident Claims Commission, a state body that pays out for accidental injury – it prevents lawyers chasing ambulances like you get in many other countries. It generates income from levies from every worker, from insurance premiums on home property and vehicle policies, but mainly from the rego.
It currently costs about $250 for a year, of which about $150 per registration goes to ACC.
So why is it that such a large number of cars in Rotorua have neither? And more worryingly why are the police not actually bothered?
I take it when the drivers of these cars impale themselves on a tree they will happily forward the bill to the drivers and not ACC - or maybe they will give me a refund - yeah right!
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