Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Few of my Least Favourite Things

Why exactly does it need a double axle? Don't they realise chrome went out years ago?
This one is endorsed by a Texan country music star - say no more!
The whole purpose of this blog was to enable me to get off my chest the annoyances that really grate me. I have been thinking about this for some time and decided to do a top ten of my least favourite things. This list will probably not surprise many who know me, and indeed it is not probably reflective of the level at which each of these things actually annoy me.

Anyway, I’ll start with this one – the American truck.

I could have focused purely on American cars – why? Because they are shite! They don’t look nice, are badly built, handle badly, etc. But that would be isolate the biggest part of the problem, the big Tonka truck monstrosities.

Let us consider them in detail. Firstly, they are gross, too big for NZ roads, in fact they are too big for most roads. They are fuel inefficient, designed, no doubt, for carrying buffalo that you have just shot on the plain, not for cruising around towns in the central north island. With their duff duff V8’s and chronic auto transmission they look foolish pulling away at traffic lights.

Why do people drive them? Who knows – the inadequacy in the trouser department theory springs to mind (big car to compensate for small manhood). Of course, they always have the fog lights on and have mirrors that would not look out of place on a Scania.

What is even more bizarre is what they actually buy - the list of their best sellers is quite comical! Taste, what taste?

So there, it’s out – I hate Yank pick up trucks!!

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