Why am I blowing off steam today? Well, those buggers at the Disney Channel have clearly over stepped the mark. My kids regrettably indulge in watching the drivel they serve up in a daily basis. Whilst it is normally mind numblingly dull, with stereotype characters, usually white, middle class, pure (the South Park skit on the Jonas Brothers is a classic episode) and never offensive - unless of course you are me.

The item is question is the dreadful Hannah Montana Forever - -here we see the mildly irritating Miley Cyrus in an episode (no. 91) where the Disney Organisation does it best to cheer up all those little children whose 'moms and pops' are in Afghanistan or Aye Rack (I think that maybe be somewhere near Iraq).
Attempting to brainwash small kids with images of soldiers and their parents, a storyline revolving around a boy whose father is serving the good cause there and generally giving a one eyed slant on the world is far worse than any overt or covert racial undertones. Filling those impressionable heads with the concept that America is good and everyone else is evil is nauseating. War is not a good thing, America, you are not Team America World Police.
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