In the past week two examples have provided some evidence. First is the Koran burning, bible bashing, pastor of Gainesville, Florida, in the good ole, red neck, south of the US of A. Whilst he may share the name of a Python actor, this 'Pastor Terry Jones' manages 34 million hits when you Google him. Not only does he have a comedy moustache, but his outlandish views have propelled him to a media frenzy, indeed infamy - infamous by virtue of have the race relations healing skills of a fireman with a tanker full of 91 octane, ready to spray in on the San Francisco gas fires. If you actually Google just 'Terry Jones', without the 'Pastor' you only get 64 million hits, therefore, by this rough estimate he is indeed bigger than Monty Python.

Example two only happened last night, but the dick in action this time operated in a far more covert manner, cue Robbie Deans, one time assistant All Black coach, Cantabrian (he has a stand named after him at their rugby ground), but now regrettably, or should that be happily, he is the coach of the
As Warhol once said, everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame; for me Deans fifteen minutes has been well and truly blemished by his singing last night. Pastor Terry Jones has experienced way too much publicity; I suspect he will be martyred by someone in the future,. by that time he will be living off the proceeds of his appearances on talk shows, the obligatory book deal and biopic of his life.
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